Thursday, November 26, 2009

3 a.m. wake up.

Well, I managed to stay awake until about 6.30 last night. Sugar seemed to work this time, sugar and the 1st season of the Denis Leary show "Rescue me" on dvd. Great show, funny & serious as hell at times. I think dealing with lifes' tougher questions requires a fair amount of humor. Intelligent humor that is. Then I slept well for about nine hours, woke up at 3.15 this morning. Thought about going back to sleep but thinking about it I realised that I'm gonna need an early wake up to be able to fall asleep at a decent hour tonight so I got up and had breakfast and watched the final 2 episodes. Then I went to the gym for a workout which is always interesting that time in the morning. It works but it feels like more work than it does at say 2 p.m. Almost 9.30 now and I am already starting to feel my early wake-up. Gonna be a long day but after working out the pressure of doing something useful with my day is somewhat mitigated.
I wonder if that is what people mean when they are talking about having a life? I've never really felt like I had one. Don't know what it means even. Does anyone actually fill every minute of their day with stuff that carries meaning in any way? I doubt it but if there are people who do they should hold seminars on the subject. The seminar should start with a clear-cut definition of the word meaning, if there is a universal one which I doubt.

Can't go on now. I'd just tie myself up in something that I wouldn't be able to get out of... All questions no answers as always...

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